Runtime: 93 min
Audio: AC3
Language: English
Resolution: 704x480
Frame Rate: 29.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 3226 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps
Audio: AC3
Language: English
Resolution: 704x480
Frame Rate: 29.9 fps
Video Bitrate: 3226 Kb/sec
Audio Bitrate: 440 kbps
Year: 1984
Starring: Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Justin Henry
Director: John Hughes
Starring: Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall, Justin Henry
Director: John Hughes
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Size: 815 mb Files: 3 | Good: 11 Bad: 5 |
Review: The story may be a bit uneven in structure, and perhaps the tone, but all in Sixteen Candles is very enjoyable. It is very charming and very funny movie. As you would expect, the production values ​​are excellent, and the soundtrack is cool and memorable. The script is smart and funny and a great ear not only to create a language I speak, but also genuine compassion. Pacing is good, the direction is fixed, while working, I have no qualms with either. Anthony Michael Hall is the perfect nerd who tries hard to impress, but to me this is Molly Ringwalds film adeptly as he personifies cart sweet teen whose day goes from bad to worse. Overall, charming, amusing, if a little uneven. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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